Regulations allow resident landholders to take immediate action to control some problem wildlife. The following privileges are beyond those permitted under fur management licences.
Contact your Fish and Wildlife District office when furbearers other than the species shown in this section are destroying property, as a damage control licence may be necessary:
Note: Section 38 of the Wildlife Act specifies that no person shall hunt wildlife or discharge firearms on or over occupied lands,
or enter on such lands for the purpose of doing so, without the consent of the owner or occupant
May be hunted and trapped, without a licence and during all seasons, on privately owned land by the owner or occupant of the land,
or by a resident with written permission from the owner or occupant of the land.
May be hunted, but not trapped, without a licence during all seasons, as follows:
- On privately owned land by the owner or occupant of the land, or by a resident with permission from the owner or occupant.
- On public land by a person authorized to keep livestock on that land, or by a resident who has written permission from
that authorized person.
Note: The above authorities to hunt wolves extend to lands within 8 km (5 mi.) of the land described above, provided the authorized person or resident has right of access.
May be hunted without a licence, but not trapped, at all times of the year throughout the province:
- By a resident who has right of access to hunt on the lands that are not public lands within the Green Area.
- By the owner or occupant of privately owned land, on the privately owned land.
- By a person maintaining livestock on public land, on that public land.
- On lands described in the point above that are in the Green Area, by a resident who is authorized in writing by the person
described in the point above.
Red Fox
May be hunted, but not trapped, without a licence and during all seasons, by a resident on privately owned land to which the resident has the right of access.
Badger and Red Squirrel
May be hunted or trapped, without a licence and during all seasons, by a resident on privately owned land to which the resident has the right of access.
Skunk and Raccoon
May be hunted or trapped during all seasons by the owner or occupant of land, or by a person authorized by the owner or occupant, or by the holder of a licence authorizing
the trapping of furbearing animals.
Rabbit or Hare
May be hunted, but not trapped, throughout the province at any time of year, without a licence on land which the person has the right of access for hunting.
A resident may use snares to take rabbit or hare, provided the snare meets the requirements set out in the:
May be hunted, but not trapped, by a resident on land which the resident has the right of access for hunting in WMUs 102, 104, 106, 108, 112, 116, 118 and 119 and that part of
WMU 110 east of Highway 2 and south of Highway 3 from November 1 to February 28.
For further information on wolf and coyote hunting, including seasons, refer to:
Note: The subject matter on this page is governed by the Agricultural Pest Act and the hunting and trapping regulations.
Updated: Nov 1, 2023