If you feel uneasy about outdoor recreation during hunting season there are some simple steps you can take to stay safe and continue to enjoy the outdoors.
- Identify hunting seasons and lands open to hunting. Check out the Alberta guide to hunting regulations to find out where and when hunting is allowed:
- Wear bright clothing. Choose colours that stand out in the outdoors like fluorescent green, pink, orange, red or yellow.
Hunter blaze orange is a great choice. Don’t forget to put something bright on your dog as well.
- Make noise. Make yourself known. Whistle, sing or carry on a conversation as you walk to alert hunters to your presence.
Once a hunter is aware of your presence, don’t make unnecessary noise that disturbs wildlife. Avoid confrontations.
- Choose an alternative place or date. If you don't feel comfortable out in the woods this time of year, choose an area where hunting is not allowed, like most (but not all)
provincial parks (check ahead to be sure). The most heavily hunted seasons last only a few weeks—find out when they occur and schedule your activities around them.
Updated: Nov 21, 2023