Health Canada has set fish consumption guidelines based on the concentration of mercury in fish tissue, and the human body's ability to eliminate mercury at a slow rate (see table). Most mercury accumulation in Alberta fish comes from
natural sources.
Dioxin and Furan
Toxic airborne substances from burning organics and waste-water discharges from industrial sites. Alberta Health has compiled fish advisories for the waterbodies exposed to unsafe levels of contaminants. Recommended limits for:
- Brook Trout: 2 servings/week for waters within 20 km of Swan Hills
Burbot: Avoid eating the liver, only fillet portions can be eaten without limits, from
- Athabasca River downstream of Iron Point
- Cutbank River and tributaries
- Kakwa River and tributaries
- Little Smoky River and tributaries
- Smoky River and tributaries
- Wapiti River and tributaries
Mountain whitefish: pregnant women and young children should avoid, others should limit consumption to no more than 1.5 servings/week from:
- Cutbank River and tributaries
- Kakwa River and tributaries
- Little Smoky River and tributaries
- Simonette River and tributaries
- Smoky River and tributaries
- Wapiti River and tributaries
Note: 1 serving = 75 grams, ½ cup, or 2.5 oz
Fish Consumption Advisories for Alberta Waterbodies
Fish Consumption Advice Mobile App
Check out the latest Fish Consumption Advice Mobile App developed by Alberta Health. Users can find out if the fish they have caught has a consumption advisory by selecting from a list of fish species and waterbodies in Alberta. Users may also be asked to provide the weight of the fish caught.
Based on these selections, the app will inform users if they should limit the amount of fish they eat and what those limits are. The app can be found at:
Fish Consumption Limits Table
Fish Consumption Guidance
For detailed information about fish consumption advisories, please contact Alberta Health.
Updated: Jun 5, 2019