
Licences are available for purchase both in person and online. Learn more about purchasing a licence and find a retailer near you.

Hunters with Disabilities

Special permits and licences are available to assist hunters (residents, non-resident Canadians and non-resident aliens) with permanent disabilities.

These licence/permits are available, for no additional fees, through Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division district offices.

How to Apply for a Licence/Permit

  1. Review the criteria for the licence or permit you wish to apply for
  2. Obtain medical certification
  3. Fill out the application form
  4. Submit your application
Important! Medical Certification must be obtained from a physician or therapist to support any application. See below for the required letter. Physicians or therapists completing these certification letters should review the corresponding licence or permit criteria information sheet.

Cross-bow Licence

NOTE: this licence is only needed when eligible hunters need to use a cross bow during an archery only season. In general or ‘rifle seasons’ cross bows are already legal to use.

Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Permit

Weapons Discharge Permit

Submitting your Application

Completed applications must be submitted to the nearest district Fish and Wildlife Division office. To find contact information for an office near you, see:

Overnight Hunting Trips

If you’re planning an overnight hunting trip on public land along the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains, you may need a Public Lands Camping Pass. Clients of outfitters staying in a hunting camp may also require a pass.

Updated: Apr 11, 2024